How to Clone a GitHub Gist Locally: Step-by-Step Guide

Cloning a GitHub Gist locally allows you to work on it just like any other Git repository.

Whether you're making edits, running code, or sharing updates, cloning a gist is a simple way to keep everything synced.

In this step-by-step guide, let's walk you through how to clone a GitHub Gist to your local machine, with a demo to make it super easy.

How to Clone a GitHub Gist Locally

Steps to follow:

1. Visit the link to the gist file and click the 'Embed' button.

2. Choose 'Clone via HTTPS'.

3. Click here to copy the link.

4. Open the Terminal, type the command 'git clone <copied-url>' and press Enter.

5. The gist has now been cloned to your local device.

6. Here's the cloned gist file.


We have learned how to clone gists locally.


Cloning a GitHub Gist locally gives you the flexibility to make changes offline and easily push updates back to the gist.

Follow these steps, and you’ll have your gist ready to work on from your local device in no time.

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