A .gitignore file helps keep your GitHub repository clean by excluding unnecessary files from being tracked, such as environment files, build outputs, or sensitive data.
Whether you're working solo or on a team, setting up a .gitignore file ensures your project only tracks what truly matters.
In this step-by-step guide, let’s show you how to create a .gitignore file with a quick demo.
Steps to follow:
1. Click the 'Add file' button and select 'Create new file' from the dropdown menu.
2. Name the file '.gitignore'.
And in the text area list the files or directories you want Git to ignore.
3. Add a commit message, then click the 'Commit changes' button to create the '.gitignore' file.
4. The '.gitignore' file has been successfully created.
That's it!
You’ve successfully created a .gitignore file to exclude specific files in GitHub.
By setting up a .gitignore file, you've taken control of what gets tracked in your repository, making your project more organized and secure.
Now, you can focus on the important files while keeping the clutter out of your commits.
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