A Personal Access Token (PAT) in GitHub is essential for securely accessing your repositories and managing them through third-party applications or scripts.
Whether you're automating workflows or working with Git from the command line, creating a PAT makes these tasks smoother.
In this step-by-step guide, let’s check out how to create a Personal Access Token on GitHub with a hands-on demo.
Steps to follow:
1. Click on your profile picture in the top-right corner of the page.
2. From the dropdown menu, select 'Settings'.
3. In the left sidebar of the settings page, scroll down and click on 'Developer settings'.
4. Under 'Developer settings' select 'Personal access tokens' from the sidebar, then choose either 'Tokens (classic)' or 'Fine-grained tokens', depending on your needs.
5. Click the 'Generate new token' button. If you're creating a classic token, select 'Generate new token (classic)'.
6. You'll see options to set up your token. First, pick an expiration date, from 7 days to never. Add a note for the token, then choose the scopes that match the permissions you need.
7. Once you've selected your scopes, scroll down and click 'Generate token'.
8. GitHub will generate your token and display it only once. Be sure to copy it immediately, as you won’t be able to view it again.
Now that you’ve created a Personal Access Token, you’re all set to securely interact with your GitHub repositories.
It’s an easy and secure way to manage access and automate tasks while keeping your account safe.
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