Forking a GitHub repository lets you create your own copy of someone else’s project, so you can work on it independently.
Whether you’re contributing to open-source projects or experimenting with code, forking is a simple and powerful way to get started.
In this step-by-step guide, let’s check out exactly how to fork a GitHub repository, with a demo to walk you through the process.
Steps to follow:
1. Select an open-source project.
2. Click on the 'Fork' tab in the repository.
3. Click the 'Create fork' button to fork the repository.
4. The repository has been successfully forked.
That's it!
You have successfully forked a GitHub repository.
By forking a GitHub repository, you’ve opened up the ability to make changes, test features, or contribute back to the original project.
Now that you know how to fork a repository, you can start collaborating and experimenting with code easily.
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