How to Reset Your Branch to Any Commit: Step-by-Step Guide

Ever wished you could go back in time to a specific point in your branch's history?

Resetting your branch to a particular commit lets you do exactly that.

In this guide, let’s see how to easily reset your branch to any commit, giving you the flexibility to undo changes or start fresh from a stable state.

How to Reset Your Branch to Any Commit

Steps to follow:

1. To see a list of commits, run the command 'git log --oneline'.

2. Navigate to the branch you want to reset using the command 'git branch -b branch_name'.

3. Pick the commit ID to reset your branch and run the command 'git reset --hard <commit_id>'.

4. Now the branch is reset to a specific commit. To verify, run the command 'git log --oneline'.

5. Now the branch points to a specific commit. To push the changes, run the command 'git push origin <branch_name> --force-with-lease'.

That's it! You’ve successfully reset your branch to a specific commit.


Resetting your branch to a specific commit can be a lifesaver when things get messy.

With the steps outlined here, you’ll be ready to navigate your branch history confidently and make changes as needed.

Just remember to use this tool wisely—it’s powerful and can make a big difference when keeping your project organized!

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